Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Surprise Attack

I'm going to tell you one of the saddest stories I've ever been a part of, but hopefully with my style of writing it won't sound like I'm super depressed. So here it goes...
Once upon a time I made this friend and out of no where I began to like him. In fact, our whole relationship has been a surprise. Some days it's great and other days it's not. So I finally worked out a system with this kid... I would start my week off with being in the just friends stage. That would usually last until Fridayish and then something would happen that made me like him again. And I thought Thanksgiving break would solve all of my problems for good, but it definitely made things worse.
However, that aside, this was a start of a new week and this time instead of thinking I was in the just friends stage, I actually decided officially that there was going to be no more of this boy until a long enough space of time had passed and then we really would be just friends and I would focus on my schoolwork and ignore my other problems. I even told some people and even though they kind of laughed at this because they didn't believe me all the way, I was determined.
So it got to the point of the night where I needed to be alone and so I went outside. Apparently this kid saw me so when I texted him to ask about class for tomorrow he completely caught me off guard and asked if I was feeling ok because apparently I looked a little down. In my moment of stupidity I told him everything that was going through my head and he of course had to respond with something wonderful. The text itself was absolutely wonderful and if it was anyone else that had sent it I would be feeling great, but it was him. The exact kid I was supposed to have nothing to do with for at least three days. So, naturally, because I'm me and I ruin everything always, I straight up told him to not be so nice to me. The thing is, he already knew that I liked him, and I know that he likes a different girl, so this whole him being nice to me thing was really creating sick feelings inside of me.
Anyway, the kid had to continue to be unbelievably nice even though everything is my fault. Which made me even more depressed. And now it's 2:30, I have class at 8 and a 4 page paper that I basically haven't started due at 9:30. Great... Can I just drive home to my own bed, curl up and watch chick flicks for the rest of the week?
The End... kind of

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