Thursday, August 18, 2011


Once upon a time I was a hopeless romantic. Yes it's true. I was. There you go Sharissa, the truth comes out. But those days are over. They kind of ended when I got to high school and realized how awful relationships are. They change people. Sometimes in a good way, but most of the time in the worst ways possible (This is still the high school age relationships I'm talking about). So I stopped wanting a relationship. Of course, that didn't stop me from liking boys...oh no I have liked plenty of boys in my life, but I've never wanted a relationship with any of them.
Ok Ok Ok, so I did have a relationship at one point in my life, and I don't regret it. However, now that that's over with, I can see that this isn't the time to "fall in love." I have goals that I need to accomplish, things to do, life to experience and I don't need to be tied down. I know that sounds like the typical thing you hear girls that can't get a boy to like them say, but that's really how I feel.
All of my life I've grown up with Sister Ransom as my neighbor, and when one of my best friends (her daughter) went to college she gave us both this advice, "have fun, date lots, but don't seriously date someone until the friends you had in high school start coming home from their missions. If you date someone seriously now, you might get too involved before you see the rest of your options." I really do love her, because she's right.
Now I know many of you are thinking, well what's wrong with a casual relationship? And my answer would be...nothing if you're comfortable with just filling someone's canteen (assuming you're dating a future missionary, and if you're dating an RM, then it's never casual).
In some cases I can approve of relationships before the golden age, but only in very limited cases.
So Sharissa, these are the words I wanted to say to you tonight, to me kissing=relationships. ugh. Not good. It's not that I think kissing is gross, it's that I think relationships are gross. And there you have it. Feel free to ask any questions.
The End

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