Sunday, March 25, 2012

Oh Elder Pearce

So I did this for Covey and Houston but I never actually told my history with one of my best friends Sean Pearce. So I figured since he has now been out on his mission for six months it's time for me to share some pictures and stories.
Once upon a time I signed up for an AP human geography class. At the beginning of that year I absolutely hated the class. The subject was interesting and I liked the teacher but I felt really awkward with everyone in the class. So I mostly stuck with my soccer buddy, Keeley and my friend, Kate. Around October Keeley dropped the class. It was time for me to make friends with some other people. Turns out that class turned into one of the best experiences of my life. By the end of the year I had become friends with almost the whole class. It was amazing to see how the whole class bonded and became friends. This is where I became friends with Sean. I had english with him the year before but he was one of the only boys in that class, so I never talked to him. But ninth grade is when we all hung out at lagoon and where our friendship really began.
The summer after ninth grade I liked one of Sean's friends and so I saw a lot of Sean. Our friendship grew. Then in high school I started to eat lunch with that whole group. A lot happened that year. I was threatened by Shams, Sean won most preferred sophomore, we survived Mr. Nagro's class and had fun with a certain picture, we watched the long pride and prejudice, he helped me out of a sticky situation with another friend, we talked for hours and hours on the phone, and we went on a search for shrimp.
I ran out of this picture with Amanda because it needed to be a boy picture. Don't you agree?
Then it became summer and he became my best friend. For some reason it seemed like all that summer all of our friends were gone the same weeks. So that left me and Sean in O-town to party. We did some pretty random things but the main activity involved stalking a certain someone at KFC. We also started our rice krispy treat tradition and went and hiked Stewart Falls several times. That summer I realized how hard it was going to be to leave for a year to go to Spain.
Hiking with Carolyn. The first day we went to KFC
Hiking with Rodrigo, my exchange student
But Sean emailed me. A lot. He also talked to me on skype. He's one of the main people that helped me get through that year.
And then I got home and our friendship only got stronger. But starting winter, a boy by the name of Kolton entered my life. I didn't see as much of Sean. I didn't even tell Sean about Kolton. But once that was over, life was back to normal. We graduated. He got his mission call to New York, New York south spanish speaking. We went to the avengers movies. Something happened and I got mad at him. I didn't see the point in keeping him as a friend because I knew he was going to be gone. So I stayed mad for far too long. But when it came time to actually talk to him about it, something changed and I stopped being mad. I couldn't be mad. Still, our friendship had suffered. I didn't see much of him because I had moved 15 minutes away to go to college. But the week before he left I saw a lot of him. I went to his farewell and he did amazingly well.
We went hiking, just the two of us plus walker, and I knew everything was fine between us.
The day before he left we went as a group to smashburger. I still remember driving away and having it hit me. Two years is a lot longer than the year I spent in Spain. Yikes.
The first semester of college was rough and there was no Sean to talk to. But letters came pretty frequently. Right when I needed them.
I still miss Sean like crazy but he's where he needs to be and I'm where I need to be. The last couple of months have flown by and I know that he will be back here in no time. So keep up the good work Elder Pearce.
The End

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