Saturday, March 17, 2012

For Alyssa

So Alyssa tagged me and even though I usually don't pay attention to these types of things, I have nothing to do right now so I figure, what the heck. Really, I'm waiting to digest from breakfast so I can go on a run. So in the meantime...
1) Post the rules.
2) Post a photo and 11 random things about you.
3) Answer questions.
4) Ask questions.
5) Tag.
This is from earlier this semester. I was having a little too much fun on photo booth

11 random things about me
1. I hate when people tell me good morning after I wake up. To me it's almost like they think they're superior to me because they got up earlier than me. So I like to sleep in, big deal.
2. Sometimes I sleep walk. Like last night, I honestly don't remember getting in bed but that's where I found myself this morning. Also, my bedroom door was open which never happens and my clothes were all over the floor. It's a true mystery
3. Right before my brother was born my parents were trying to decide on names and my dad came home with a list and one of the names was Burford. I loved it so much that for about a year no one was allowed to call me anything else. One of my cousins still calls me Burford Alligator.
4. When I was about 3 we went to Hawaii to visit my cousins. While we were there we went to the polynesian cultural center and I kept yelling at the male dancers without their shirts on because I thought they were naked. My mom still remembers me crying.
5. If I had a week off of school right now I'd choose to go to my cabin and snowmobile and snowshoe. I'd pack a lunch one day and go on my favorite trail and just sit for hours. There's nothing I love more than the mountains.
6. I love candy. Any kind. My family thinks I will have diabetes at some point. Probably true.
7. I hate swimming so much that I faked asthma when I did swim team for the summer. Yet, I'm getting into triathlons like my parents? I still don't know why
8. I have a lot of unexplainable health problems. Like random dizzy spells, severe abdominal pain, random allergic reactions, and a few others.
9. I sometimes go days without showering in the summer. Because I go for a run in the morning, and then I go hiking, and then sometimes I also go biking. Why shower if I'm just going to do the same thing the next day?
10. I've always felt a need to be better than my three older sisters. Whitney's the smart and musical one, McKenzie's the athletic one, and Jessica's the social one. And I'm striving to be better than them at all three of those things. Not really, but a little bit.
11. I love writing letters. I feel like it's my opportunity to just talk and talk and never be interrupted. Plus, it gets out some frustrations. So it's probably a good thing that most of my best friends are now on missions. I get lots of opportunities to write.

11 Questions to Answer
1. Describe yourself in three words.
nosy, lazy, and demanding
2. Why do you blog?
This kind of goes with my letter writing reasons above. I love to get out frustrations and I don't really care who reads it. Plus, it keeps me from doing homework for just a little bit longer.
3. What is your idea of a perfect day?
I've kind of already mentioned this but I'll be specific this time. I would wake up, go for a run on some trail, have some kneaders french toast, hike some trails at Glacier National Park (eat lunch at some perfect lookout place), play some monopoly and golf with my family and friends, eat some lasagna and pie for dinner, and then watch pride and prejudice with friends that wouldn't complain about it at all.
4. Favorite color?
Aqua. Though I really like red too
5. What is something you don't mind splurging on?
cross-stitching supplies or national parks pass
6. What song is stuck in your head at this moment?
We didn't start the fire by Billy Joel
7. If you knew you only had a week to live, how would you spend it?
This would be very detailed but I'm ready to go for my run so let's keep this short. I would spend as much time with my family in the outdoors. Maybe we'd go back to New Zealand and then hike and lay on the sand-less beaches.
8. What is your favorite time-waster?
Playing games on my ipad. Mostly solitaire and monopoly
9. Name: a) a talent you have, and b) a talent you wish you had.
a) keeping friends. This sounds arrogant, but I am usually pretty good and keeping in touch with my friends. b) I wish I was more outgoing though. When I'm in a situation with a lot of people I don't know, I close up.
10. What are you most grateful for right now?
That I got put in an apartment with some pretty darn cool roommates. A lot of people are having problems these days but not me!
11. Who are you most grateful for right now?
Josh, he's pretty much a sweetheart. And he keeps life entertaining.

My 11 Questions Now
1. Where's the best place you've traveled?
2. If you could eat anything right now, what would it be?
3. Age of your first crush
4. Someone you want to be friends with, and I'm not talking famous here
5. Favorite Flower
6. What's the coolest activity you've ever done?
7. To you, what's the best thing about March?
8. What's your favorite movie? Why?
9. If you knew the world was going to end in 10 years, so school wouldn't make all that much of a difference, what would you do with your time?
10. What language have you always wanted to know?
11. Summer or Winter?

Now it's Your Turn

The End

1 comment:

  1. Wahoo! I'm so glad you did it.
    And I quite enjoyed reading. I had no clue you cross stitch, and I might have to call you Burford now. Hahaha love it!
