Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Red Rock Relay Part 2

So I got lazy and didn't want to write the rest of the post for the red rock relay but here it is...
Basically my second leg was awesome!  I felt really good and it was nice that it was in the middle of the night because it was cool and the stars were really bright.  I don't remember what my leg was called but it was right after the Spooky Leg, or the leg that runs through where the mountain meadows massacre was.  So I was a little bit spooked out because there were no runners by me, but I just turned my music up really loud and it worked out.  It was slightly downhill, not enough to hurt your knees, but enough to make you go fast.  Yes people, I ran that in just under 8 minute miles.  4.5 miles of it.  For me, that's a big deal because I usually run really slowly.
My last leg didn't go so well.  For those of you that know Zion's really well, you'll know what road I'm talking about.  My leg was 6.2 miles and it was about 90 degrees at 10:00 am.  The first 2.5 miles were all uphill with no breaks.  Every time I  turned the corner I just got more depressed.  It was the road out of Hurricane that leads into the canyon road to go to Zion.  You can ask my family, I was not a happy camper, still happier than my sister McKenzie who yelled at us during her leg, but not happy.  My van stopped about every mile to give me water and to pour it on me.  Right after the last stop, I threw up so I had to flag them down so I could get the taste out of my mouth.  And then I threw up again so it didn't even matter.  The important thing is I did it and I did it faster than I was expected to do it.
Overall, the Red Rock Relay was awesome.  I was really sore and I developed rather painful shin splints, but I had a blast with my family, Annie, and Jonny.  It's my favorite race and I look forward to it every year.  Hopefully next year I won't have to run as far...
The End

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