Monday, September 24, 2012

Feelings of Confusion

Poor Annie, boys get in the way of everything.  They are super confusing, especially when you yourself don't know how you feel.  Right now she's going through a situation that I once was in.  Mine was more extreme on one side and not as extreme on the other.  Am I making any sense.  Nope.  I know, I need more sleep.  But let me try again...
I think what this all boils down to is our age.  Boys leave on missions at our age and you may have feelings for those that are gone, but returned missionaries are there ready to date and they don't care about the boys on missions.  As some boys I work with informed me, when a girl says they have a missionary it encourages the RM.  Instead of what it should do, the RM somehow takes it as a challenge.  I'm convinced their goal in life is to make life harder for girls, more complicated.  Now, I don't have a missionary, and I never will have one and most girls technically don't have a missionary, but they write to one.  What's the difference?  I don't know.  Anyway, so when a nice RM comes along, the girl often finds herself trapped.  Shoot, now she likes both and what to do what to do?  Naturally, she dates the RM and wonders what she will do to make it last without getting married before the missionary comes home.  Girls are awful too, but the main source of the problem are those RM's.
Now Annie and I were/are no where near that.  But we share a common characteristic: we're passive when it comes to relationships.  Except this summer I did something towards the end that I'm proud of.  A boy was looking for a rebound after a relationship and I was the convenient choice, but I successfully avoided it.  Success!  Sorry, back to the important thing, I've never regretted having any kind of a relationship.  All were good.  I wish I could still be close friends with all of them (because I've had oh so many), but we all know that doesn't work so well.  So now Annie has to make a decision.  Either way she loses a friend and it kills me to see her go through it.  Well, I sort of know her decision already and it's the one I'm happy about, but it's still hard and I feel bad.  But I probably shouldn't have written any of this, so I'm gonna stop now.
The End

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