Saturday, January 14, 2012

A New Attitude

So I've been a little down the past couple of months for a bunch of different reasons, but that's about to change. I'm trying to focus less on what's happening around me and more on myself. I think last semester I wasted so much of my time trying to be someone I'm not. It's time to face the facts, I will never be that perfect BYU girl that everyone seems to love. And I've realized that that's great, I don't want to be her.
Over christmas break I got a letter from my friend Sean. He's probably the only one that knows everything about me. For the past couple of months my letters to him have been super depressing. I didn't mean them to be, in fact I tried to make them happy, but he saw through that. So in his letter he gave me some really good advice. He told me, "Si quieres estar feliz, necesitas ser feliz." Meaning, if you want to be happy, you need to become a happy person. Ok so it doesn't really make sense in english because we don't have two verbs for to be, but it really got me thinking about what I needed to change about myself.
So here's my new years resolutions (I know it's way late)(Oh and this year they aren't quite entertaining as mine from last year):
1. Read at least one chapter from the Book of Mormon everyday
2. Participate more in the activities going on around me (meaning: wyview activities, ward prayer, ward service projects, etc.)
3. Write in my journal every night (I already do this so it should be easy)
4. Write a letter to one of my friends every Sunday
5. Make at least one new good friend that lives by me
6. Make an effort to talk to at least one stranger every week day (before you get creeped out, to me, saying hi counts as talking to someone)
7. Do more of what I love: hiking, biking, running, dancing, reading for fun, etc.

So ya most of them are things everyone should do all the time, but they are things that I didn't do last semester.
The End
D&C 6:36

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