Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Ward

Once upon a time I decided to change. Become more outgoing. Try to be friendlier and dislike people less. Well it worked for a little while. Now my list of people I dislike in the ward is growing and I'm trying to stop it but I just can't help it. I participate in everything and try to talk to as many people as possible, but still no one knows who I am.
So tonight at ward prayer and all during church I kept thinking that this was my last week of being active. Next week I'm going back to my home ward and I'm going to stop going to all the ward activities. After ward prayer Karli, my roommate and I went to this boy's apartment where I went on and on and on about my dislikes of the ward and how I feel like a total outsider despite my attempts at being friendly. Right after my complaining, I got a phone call from one of the counselors...I now have to speak in church next sunday. So much for my inactive plan. Oh and I have to speak on family history. You would have to know that I put how much I love indexing on my information card like 5 times in order to get an indexing calling to think this was funny. So I didn't get the calling, but I have to speak on it. Great.
Also, today my roommate had to give the spiritual thought at ward prayer. She was kind of freaking out about it and in my attempts to make her feel better I told her that speaking in public isn't even that bad and I would gladly give a talk. Ha. Not so true now that I have to. I guess this means that the Lord really does know what all of us need and when we need it. I needed to feel included and here's my chance. This wasn't what I had in mind, but it works.
The End

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