Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Search for Tim Tams

The day before my birthday I was working with the fire alarm crew and we had to go to the creamery at Helaman.  While we were there I saw a stack of my favorite treat, Tim Tams.  Unfortunately, I didn't have money on me to buy some right there.  So when I got home, I told me roommate and we decided we'd get some later on in the week.  By the time we got around to it, all three creamery's were out.  Those darn freshman should worry a little more on their freshmen 15.  But we weren't done searching yet.  That night we also took a trip to Smith's and Macey's.  No luck.
So we gave up that night.  Last night we tried again and went to walmart.  We still couldn't find them!  Walmart has had them for the past several years!  What happened?  Are we all of a sudden on bad terms with Australia?
So we decided to just go to krispy kremes instead.  When we got there the drive thru line was so long that we couldn't even get into the parking lot so we could go inside.  After waiting a good 20 minutes, we finally made it into the store and stood in line.  A girl then told us that their machines can't keep up with the deal, so we couldn't get two dozen donuts, but we could still get one.  Apparently, for 12/12/12, krispy kremes was doing a buy one dozen get one dozen free deal.  So we took the rain check coupon and left.  Why would we just get one dozen when we could get two today, even if one was our original intent.  So we went to farr's instead.
Shams promised to look for Tim Tams for us, but we'd also appreciate anyone else that's willing to help.
The End

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