Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Shock in China

Ok so I guess I'm just in the blogging mood and I know you guys (the two of you that read this) have been waiting a long time to hear this story so here it is...
Once upon a time there was a girl named Madi. Madi was in China supporting her parents while they did their 3rd ironman in Haikou, China. Well after the ironman, her family traveled up north to see the country. Then they went to Beijing. They were at Tiananmen Square one night watching the soldier retire the flag when they met this boy/man (I'm not 100% sure he was a boy). Madi's family was having a trouble communicating with a man that was trying to see Mao watches, so this boy cut in and tried to help. The only problem was once her family bought a watch for kicks, this boy didn't leave. He stood by Madi watching the program. And then out of no where he puts his arm around Madi and tells her in a voice that sounded like he'd been drinking, but Madi's pretty sure he wasn't drunk, "I luuuuuv you!" Weird! Ok so that was offense #1. Anyone that knows Madi knows that at that age no one was allowed to get in her 3 ft. bubble. She was afraid of contact, especially from some strange chinese boy.
Ok so after that Madi ducked out of him arm and went to the other side of her dad. The program ended and Madi's dad decided to say goodbye to this boy. He gave everyone hugs and hugged Madi last. Madi did not want to hug the boy but she thought she could get it over with fast and be done with it. So she goes in for the hug. While they were hugging, the boy's hands moved down her back and squeezed her bottom. Offense #2. Ok that was a BIG offense. She pushed him away and walked away while her family laughed and took pictures with him.
My sister Jessica and my dad with the boy
Then Madi's family went to this outdoor market. About 2 hours later they were eating something disgusting so they turned around to find someone that might enjoy it and there was the boy. He'd followed Madi for 2 hours!!!! Offense #3! So by now Madi was terrified. So she insisted that they leave. On the way back to the hotel they stopped to get some bottled water. Madi happened to turn her head to look behind her when they stopped and there she saw someone dart behind a tree. She was positive it was the boy so she took her sister and went to the hotel before the rest of her family. There she bolted down her windows and locked her door.
The next morning she half expected the boy to be standing in the lobby of the hotel, but he wasn't. Luckily she never saw THAT one again, but there were other boys. And that's how Madi's 3 ft. bubble became a 5 ft. bubble.
The End

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