Sunday, June 5, 2011

My First Crush

Once upon a time there was a very nice, innocent, young girl named Madi. Madi had many friends and she enjoyed playing with anyone that wanted to play with her, boys or girls. Life was fine and dandy until about half way through kindergarten when she started to feel differently about a certain boy named Parker. Yes, it was kindergarten. In order to know how to act upon these feelings, Madi went and asked for advice from her very wise, second grade, life-long friend, Jessica. Jessica, being the smart, experienced second grader that she was, advised Madi to call Parker and pretend to be another boy in the neighborhood. But Jessica didn't only just advise that, she helped Madi find Parker's home number in the phone book and she dialed the number herself. So then Madi was left with no choice but to fake a low voice and talk to this strange boy. She thought the misery was over and that Parker didn't expect anything until the next day at school when the whole classroom was full of the news. Apparently, Madi's other good friend, Stephanie, had told Parker what Madi had done. This is why, to this day, Madi's such an awkward child. She still can't look at Parker or Stephanie without feeling embarrassment. But as it turns out, this was just the beginning of a life of misfortune for Madi. The real exciting stories come later in life...
The End

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