Thursday, July 28, 2011

Why do these things always happen to me?

To tell this story I first have to back up about 5 months...
Once upon a time Madi went to the state FBLA competition over April Fools day. While she was up there, Madi's friend, Colin and her decided to mess with another boy from their school. On the bus ride home they started to text this boy creepy things like..."I see you," from Madi's phone. Colin warned Madi that if they used her phone, this boy would continue texting Madi, but she ignored that advice. But then the next day was conference and this boy asked Madi what she thought of it. Guess Colin was right. But it was done and after that weekend Madi didn't hear or talk to this boy again.
Now Madi's hanging around her house, recovering from Sunday's traumatic story, Tuesday night when she gets a text from an unknown number that says, "Hey! How have you been?" So of course Madi's first text back was to ask who was texting her. Come to find out it's this boy that she texted all those months ago. He had saved her number!!! Of course he wanted to know who was messing with him back in April and of course Madi asked him politely to never text her again.
So then Madi heads down to institute where she starts telling her traumatic experiences to her friends. When she gets done, this boy walks into the door. Great. And then Madi asks, "What other strange thing can happen to me?" Mistake. Right then, her sister's boyfriend's little brother walks in whom her sister's been trying to set her up with. So then she gets a text from her sister informing her that Madi and Joseph (the little brother) need to get to know each other. The whole hour and a half was filled with awkward tension.
Oh but the story doesn't end there...the next morning Madi's working on her brother's eagle project when none other than Weston Gadd shows up to help. Perfect. Now everyone that reads this blog knows how awkward that is! Why do these things always happen to me?
The End

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