Saturday, July 23, 2011

Las Fiestas

Once upon a time Madi was sitting in her class in Spain when someone told her that her year was in charge of organizing the school's festival that year. This included getting the food, the entertainment, the games, etc. ready for the little kids. To open up the festivals Madi's class performed a skit/dance that went along with that year's theme. This skit was called the pregón and Madi's class ended up practicing the whole thing over and over again. There were three dances in of just the girls dancing to I'm a Barbie girl, one of just the boys dancing to They don't care about us by Michael Jackson, and one of couples dancing to a Phineas and Ferb Song. Well the girls were barbies in this skit and the boys were G.I. Joe's. The only problem with this whole thing was that all the girls had to wear a tutu and since Madi did not bring a tutu to Spain (weird right?) she had to make one. So after hours of hard labor Madi hand stitched (she also did not have a sewing machine) a very see-through tutu.
The pregón went well but Madi was completely uncomfortable the whole time. So as soon as it was over, Madi ran into the garage that had all her normal clothes and changed right there, not realizing that ALL of the boys from her class were in the garage too. Probably the most humiliating day of Madi's life.
The Barbies for the Pregón
As soon as Madi got home, she went for a run to get all of her frustrations out. On the path she past two girls that yelled after her in a snotty voice, "We liked your tutu (snickers)." Needless to say, Madi wanted to cry herself to sleep that night, but she couldn't because the festivities weren't over yet.
She then got ready for the night party that took place in a club in downtown Burgos. She had a blast dancing with drunk people and she taught them all how to really do the macarrena. But the day had taken a toll on her so she left at 3 in the morning instead of the usual 6 am.
Madi and some of her friends at the club
The moral of the story is don't, under any circumstances, dance in a see-through tutu in front of hundreds of people! The End.

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